Industrial/Distribution Sector

As the UK moves towards a low-carbon economy and the ultimate goal of achieving net zero by 2050, the UK’s industrial sector will need to reduce emissions by 66% over the next 15 years.

Whether you operate a huge warehouse, sprawling manufacturing complex or are on a much smaller scale, the industrial sector will need to play their part. CILS are well placed, with the right experience to help your business achieve this.

CILS have completed many complex industrial projects, for sites owned by Siemens and Morrisons, to name a couple. Each of our industrial sector clients have saved remarkable amounts of energy and related costs, whilst improving their environmental footprint.

Smart industrial buildings

Enabling your buildings to be smarter, adds to your bottom line.

Industrial & Distribution
CILS take a thorough examination of your operation, specify, design and install energy efficient solutions for you. With our Internet of Things (IoT) platform, systems can all then be integrated, along with a host of real-time data. This allows you to make informed decisions about your environment and taking further efficiencies.
Lower energy costs from lighting

LED lighting greatly lowers costs and, combined with IoT controls and smart sensors, light levels can be adjusted automatically for occupancy and daylight settings.

Save on heating and cooling

Realise significant savings using smart sensors, to automatically reduce heating or cooling demand in unoccupied spaces.

Reduce maintenance costs

Reduce the need of constantly changing lamps with the installation of LED lighting. Using data from smart sensors, coordinate your cleaning schedules around the use of space and occupancy.

Increase staff productivity

Optimise light and temperature to create comfortable, working environments all year round.

Analyse space utilisation in real-time

Identify occupied and unoccupied areas for energy savings, safety and use data-driven information to determine the best use of space.

Solar PV

Given the vast amount of roof space on most manufacturing and warehousing facilities, generate your own electricity to lower the cost of energy and demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to achieving net zero.

Decarbonised heating

Integrate decarbonised heating systems, such as air source heat pumps, to reduce your CO2 emissions and enable your heating operate times more efficiently.

Create valuable data-driven insight
Smart sensors and IoT systems go way beyond reducing energy consumption. Actual energy use measurement, basic heat-mapping, real-time location services, asset tracking – all can improve industrial buildings’ security and provide valuable data for building management analysis.

This is a solid basis for data-driven decision-making, future upgrades and building optimisation.

See our industrial/distribution sector case study

Siemens Newcastle: Parsons Works

Siemens Newcastle: Parsons Works

Siemens is committed to being net zero by 2030, including their manufacturing and facilities. CILS achieved…


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CILS is a trading name of Commercial & Industrial Lighting Solutions Ltd - All right reserved © 2022 - Company number 07876016 | Registered Office: Collingham House, 6-12 Gladstone Road, London SW19 1QT